Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolution

This year I resolve to be a better person, to treat everyone with respect and patience, never lose my temper, control my thoughts and words, read the Bible 2 hours a day and donate $1723.28 to a random charity.... blah blah blah

New years resolutions are a wonderful thing... to a point. Setting goals is never a bad thing. Writing those goals down can help you see the change in your life. But we must not forget who the true source of change is.

The problem with making new years resolutions is that we often put all the burden of change on ourselves. We subconsciously (or consciously) think we need to fix ourselves in order for God to love us. When we inevitably fail, we feel guilty, worthless, and unloved.

But that's not the gospel I know and serve. God doesn't say "clean up your life, then maybe I will love you." The message of the Gospel is "Dear child, you are dearly loved. I will take on your burdens and difficulties and sins. You are made perfect in my sight. I will do the changing. I will renew your heart and mind."

Instead of making new years resolutions then, perhaps we should just say a simple prayer: "God make me into what you want me to be. Change my life for the better this year." Remember Who is the author of change.