Sunday, November 23, 2008

This whole blogging thing

I've been following a number of Christian blogs in my feed reader (shameless plug for Google Reader). I've hence been inspired for a while to try and write down some of my thoughts as I'm growing in Christ.

I plan to write about what God, my parents, my friends, and my professors are teaching me. I'm kind of a nerd, so some posts might get a bit technical. I will probably talk about electronic or programming projects I may work on. I also might discuss the news, culture, or any other topic that is on my mind. Occasionally, I might just talk about what's going on in my life. Sometimes it might be funny, and other times it might get serious.

I'm not a great writer. Seriously, I got dinged on my last couple papers for lacking a proper thesis. I hope my poor writing skills won't interfere with what I'm trying to say.

In any event, here's what I want from this blog:
  1. a record of the progress God will make in my spiritual walk.
  2. a place to vent my frustrations and difficulties
  3. a place to find encouragement
  4. a place for discussion
  5. a creative outlet
  6. random thoughts on technology, God, the Bible, history, or whatever I feel like discussing
I really hope this takes off and is an enjoyable experience for all of us.